Results of Feedback Survey on EUPT-CFs and EUPT-SRMs
158 laboratories that participated in the EUPT-C5/SRM6 were invited to complete an online feedback survey about EUPT-CFs and EUPT-SRMs.
The survey, was jointly launched by the EURL-SRM and the EURL-CF and was run via the internet with each lab receiving a unique access link.
Aim of the survey was to receive valuable input on how to further improve the EUPT-organization and reporting as well as the assistance provided to EUPT-participants.
The feedback survey not only focused on the EUPT-C5/SRM6, it also covered some general EUPT-related aspects. Below a compilation of the topics covered:
- Assistance to participants during the EUPTs
- EUPT-Scope
- EUPT-Websites
- EUPT-Specific Protocols
- EUPT-General Protocol
- EUPT-Data Submission Tools
- EUPT-Preliminary Reports
- EUPT-Final Reports
- EUPT-Certificates of Participation
- NRL-related aspects
In total 120 laboratories (76 % of all invited ones), among them 25 NRLs, completed the survey. The comments, suggestions and ratings provided by the survey participants will be considered, wherever feasible, in future EUPTs.
Please follow this link to access the Survey-Report: LINK TO FEEDBACK SURVEY REPORT
The EURL-CF and EURL-SRM Teams would like to thank all survey participants.
Published 26-03-2012, 14:44:51
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