Poster Presentations of EURL-SRM at the EPRW 2010
Dear Colleagues,
Please find below the poster contributions of the EURL-SRM at the European Pesticide Residue Workshop (EPRW) in Strasbourg (June 2010):
- Amitraz Residues in Pears - Detection via Metabolites in a Multi-Residue Scheme
Schüle E, Bauer N, Hacker K, Wieland M, Schüler S, Scherbaum E,
Anastassiades M
Link to Poster - Ethephon - a Growth Regulator Detected in a Broad Range of Crops
Bauer N, Kolberg D, Hacker K, Wieland M, Barth A, Anastassiades M
Link to Poster - Extractability of Incurred Residues using QuEChERS
Anastassiades M, Hepperle J, Roux D, Sigalov I, Mack, D
Link to Poster, Link to Annex - Goji Berries – A Natural Fruit? - Pesticide Residues in Dried Goji Berries 2009/2010
Hacker K, Bauer N, Schüle E, Wieland M, Scherbaum E
Link to Poster - Pesticide Residues in Fresh and Dried Mushrooms on the German Market
Wieland, M, Hacker K, Bauer N, Schüle, E, Wauschkuhn C, Roux D,
Scherbaum E, Anastassiades M
Link to Poster - Screening in Routine Pesticide Residue Analysis - How Useful is ToF?
Scherbaum E, Schüle E, Anastassiades M, Lötterle R, Burkovski L
Link to Poster - Pesticide Residues in Wine: Organic versus Conventional
Hacker K, Bauer N, Schüle E, Wieland M, Scherbaum E
Link to Poster
Additional posters were presented by the Chemisches und Veterinäruntersuchungsamt (CVUA) Stuttgart in close cooperation with EURL-SRM:
- "Check Your Scope" - Helping Labs to Expand their Scope of Targeted Pesticides
Zipper H, Scherbaum E, Roux D, Anastassiades M
Link to Poster, Link to Annex - Advances in the Analysis of Acidic Pesticides
Anastassiades M, Roux D, Mack, D, Sigalov I
Link to Poster
Published 20-06-2012, 15:33:24
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