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EUPT-SRM5 - Announcement

Dear Colleagues,

We herewith cordially invite you to participate in the upcoming European Proficiency Test on the determination of pesticide residues using single residue methods (EUPT-SRM5). This test is organised by the EU Reference Laboratory for pesticides using Single Residue Methods (EURL-SRM) in collaboration with the EURL for pesticides in Fruit and Vegetables (EURL-FV).

The test material for EUPT-SRM5 is apple sauce (apple purée).

Eligible labs for this test are all Official Laboratories (OLs) analysing pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables as well as all National Reference Laboratories (NRLs) for pesticide residues using single residue methods.

Please note that participation is mandatory for all eligible labs (see Art. 28 Regulation (EC) No 396/2005).

Eligible labs that do not intend to participate in this test (e.g. because none of the pesticides in the target list is within the lab's scope, or for other reasons) are expected by the Commission, on behalf of which this proficiency test is undertaken, to state the reasons for non-participation. These reasons should be reported on the "EUPT-Registration Website".

To register for this PT please access the "EUPT-Registration Website". This website will be accessible from 15 May until 30 June 2010.

The shipment of the test materials is planned for 13 September 2010. If any laboratories are planning to be on holiday in the week of the shipment, please inform the organizer to rearrange shipment.

Results and method information should be submitted by 15 October 2010 on the "EUPT-SRM5 Result Submission Website".

The schedule for all activities and deadlines within this PT can be found on the for the EUPT-SRM5.Calendar

All documents relating to EUPT- SRM5 will be uploaded onto the CIRCA and linked to the : I) , II) , III) , IV) Instructions of Results Submission, and V) General EUPT Protocol.Specific ProtocolTarget Pesticide ListCalendarEUPT-SRM5-Website-platform

Please note that all documents mentioned above may be subject to minor changes. Participants should periodically check the website for possible updates. In the case of major changes, participants will be informed by e-mail.

A general fee of 150 € will be charged to each participating laboratory, including NRLs, to cover the costs of test material handling and shipment.
Double amount of material can be requested via e-mail (Address: EUPT-SRM@cvuas.bwl.de). The fee for the laboratories requiring double amount of material will be 300 €.

On registration an invoice will be sent to the "invoice address" stated in the registration from. Payment is expected to be made completely prior to the scheduled shipment date. No test material will be sent to labs from which no payment has been received by the shipment date. Details of payment will be given in the invoices.

NRLs wishing to evaluate the performances of official labs in their country are welcome to ask for their results after 25 October 2010.

More detailed information can be found in the EUPT-SRM5-Invitation-Letter.

For any further question about EUPT-SRM5, please mail to EUPT-SRM@cvuas.bwl.de.


Best regards,

The EUPT-SRM5 Organising-Team


Published 26-02-2010, 11:33:13


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