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Method information and validatation data published by EURLs

One of the core activities of the EURLs is the development and validation of methods and the dissemination of technical information among the NRLs.

Methods, validation reports and analytical observation reports published by the 4 EURLs can be found under the following links:


For a better overview of the methods available the EURLs have prepared an Excel-based Method Finder List that is updated annually. It compiles links to EURL-methods, -validation reports, and -analytical observation reports with the focus being on compounds included in the Multiannual Coordinated Control Programs of the EU (MACP-Regulations) and the SANTE Working Document giving guidance for the design of National Control Programs (WD-NCP). An overview website with links to MACP-regulations, the latesr WD-NCP as well as the latest Method Finder List can be found here: Control Programs


Further information that may be usefull when developing methods can be found within the EURL DataPool. This platform contains, among others, the following: c


Last modified 27-02-2023, 13:50:44

Published 15-07-2010, 11:51:00


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