Method information and validation data (EURL-FV)
EURL-FV (2024-M59) Evaluation of alpha-cypermethrin isomerization in FV matrices
EURL-FV (2023-M55) Evaluation of the impact of the use of ascorbic acid during sample milling
EURL-FV (2022-M53)
Development of analytical methods: Studies of the main degradation processes of pesticides in commodities during the extraction steps
EURL-FV (2022-M52)
Evaluation of the three main multiresidue methods for the validation of new substances of SANCO/12745/2013 and those with low analytical coverage
EURL-FV (2022-M51)
Impact of the different calibration approaches in the quality of the results
EURL-FV (2022-M50)
Guidance for overcoming difficulties in the quantification of complex residue definitions containing isomers
EURL-FV (2022-M49) Validation of MRM extraction methods for high protein content pulses
EURL-FV (2022-M45)
Use of L-ascorbic acid as a mean to prevent in-vial degradation of LC-amenable pesticides
EURL-FV (2022-M44)
Automatisation of the clean-up step of multiresidue methods in GC-MS
EURL-FV (2021-M43) Splitless liners in gas chromatography. Inertia, durability and performance
EURL-FV (2020-M42) Evaluation of benefits reducing injection volume in LC-MS/MS
EURL-FV (2020-M38) Matrix effects impact using different chromatographic column sizes
EURL-FV (2020-M37) Ring Test Certified Standard Solutions (2020)
EURL-FV (2020-M35) Dual layer injection. A way to improve the sensitivity of GC-amenable compounds
EURL-FV (2019-M33)
Validation of MRM pesticides from the Working Document SANCO/12745/2013 using three Multiresidue methods (QuEChERS, ethyl acetate and Dutch mini-Luke)
EURL-FV (2019-M32) Reduction of the time of analysis to improve the workflow of the laboratories
EURL-FV (2019-M31) Application of new chromatographic columns and study of their effectiveness
EURL-FV (2019-M30) Evaluation of low flow chromatography for sensitivity enhancement
EURL-FV (2019-M29) Validation of the MRM pesticides from the EU-MACP in chia seeds and Goji berries
EURL-FV (2018-M25) Accurate Mass Pesticide Database by GC-HRMS
EURL-FV (2018-M24) Accurate Mass Pesticide Database by LC-HRMS
EURL-FV (2018-M23)
Molecular Components Map of representative matrices of commodity groups in Document SANTE/11813/2017
EURL-FV (2017-M22) Accurate Mass Pesticide Database by GC-HRMS (Updated 2017)
EURL-FV (2015-M20)
Molecular components map of representative matrices within the commodity groups in Document SANCO 12571/2013
EURL-FV (2015-M17) Accurate Mass Pesticide Database by GC-HRMS (Updated October 2015)
EURL-FV (2013-M10) Accurate Mass Pesticide Database by GC-HRMS (Updated December 2013)
EURL-FV (2013-M8) Pesticide analysis in teas and chamomile by liquid chromatography and gas chromatography tandem mass spectrometry
EURL-FV (2012-M7) Accurate mass pesticide database by LC-HRMS (Updated March 2013)
EURL-FV (2011-M5)
Validation Data for the Analysis of 1-Napthylaceticacid and 1-Naphtylacetamide in tomato and zucchini Using Mini-Luke, Ethyl Acetate and QuEChERS methods Followed by LC-QqQ-MS/MS
EURL-FV (2010-M1) Multiresidue Method using QuEChERS followed byGC-QqQ-MS/MS and LC-QqQ-MS/MS for Fruits and Vegetables
Last modified 15-01-2025, 16:29:42
Published 30-01-2012, 16:17:40
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