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EURL AO Workshop and Training 2024

The Workshop will be held in presence in Freiburg on 08–09 October 2024 (1.5 days).

Followed by a theoretical training (SANTE document) on 09–10 October 2024
(one day in total, end 10 October 2024 12:30)
for interested NRLs.


The Workshop topics will cover:

- EUPT AO 19

- Interlaboratory studies by EURL AO

- News from th Commission

- Presentations by NRLs

- Presentations by EURL AO

- Workprogramme EURL AO 2025-2027


A detailed work programme will be provided to a later stage.

Announcement (update with participation fees for non eligible participants)

The training will  focus on the SANTE guidance document. It will be similar to the training provided by EURL CF in June 2024 and in October 2022! It will cover matrix effects, complex residue definitions, validation procudures and recoveriy corrections.


Last modified 12-07-2024, 16:03:10

Published 07-05-2024, 10:02:06


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