ILS Pyr-02 Website
- ILS Pyr-02 - Preliminary Announcement - Interlaboratory Study Pyrethroids (20.10.2023, Joint Workshop Stuttgart)
- ILS Pyr-02 - Calendar
- ILS Pyr-02 - Announcement
- ILS Pyr-02 - Pyrethroid List
- ILS Pyr-02 - Registration link (15.12.23–01.04.2024), Registration information
- ILS Pyr-02 - Specific Protocol
- ILS Pyr-02 - Sample shipment (06.05.2024)
- ILS Pyr-02 - Confirmation of receipt (07.05. - 13.05.2024 in EU Survey)
- ILS Pyr-02 - Result submission deadline (02.08.2024 in EU Survey)
- ILS Pyr-02 - Final Report (planned for December 2024)
Information will be updated continuously. All relevant documents will also be available on CIRCABC.
Information on webpage update:
- 06.02.2024: Upload Registration information
- 26.03.2024: Upload Pyrethroid List
- 24.04.2024: Upload Specific Protocol
Last modified 24-04-2024, 11:18:07
Published 15-01-2024, 16:00:07
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