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Results of Mini-Survey concerning the Timing of EUPT-SRMs

A mini-survey was conducted within the network of official pesticide residue labs with the aim to find out the preferences of the network-members as regards the timing of EUPT-SRMs in relation to EUPTs focusing on multiresidue methods on fruits and vegetables and cereals.

In total, 230 network members from 160 labs representing 27 EU-Member States, 3 NAFTA-countries and 2 EU-candidates participated in this survey. Thank you very much to all participants!!

The survey consisted of one main multiple-choice question as follows:
"What is your preference as regards the timing of EUPT-SRMs in relation to EUPT-FVs or EUPT-CFs?"

Possible answers:

Please use the following link to view the results and written comments: LINK to REPORT

The preference-votes and submitted comments received within this Survey will be taken into account when scheduling EUPTs in the coming years, also taking into account practical considerations such as the timing of EUPT-Advisory-Group-Meetings and EURL/NRL-Workshops.



Published 21-12-2011, 12:23:23


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