Workshop for CF in 2008
Brief report of the 3th CRL/NRL Workshop
3th CRL/NRL Pesticide Residue Training Workshop 18th-19th September, 2008, Copenhagen, Denmark
According to Article 32 of the EU-Regulation 882/2004 the Community Reference Laboratories (CRLs) are responsible, among other tasks, for the organisation of workshops and training of laboratories in the Members States.
In 2008 the third CRL/NRL workshop was organized by the CRL for Pesticide Residue Analysis in Cereals and Feeding Stuff and took place on the 18th and 19th of September at the Phoenix Hotel in the centre of Copenhagen and at facilities of the National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark.
33 scientists of the related National Reference Laboratories in the 25 EU Member States which contributes to the annual EU-monitoring programs participated in the workshop in Copenhagen.
The workshop should, among others, contribute in fostering the creation of a strong network between the various NRLs and the CRLs.
The focus of the workshop was on pesticide residues in both cereals and feeding stuff.
Main aims of this workshop were:
- To inform on details concerning results from Proficiency Test, PT-C2.
- To inform NRL representatives about new sample preparation and improvement on extraction of cereals.
- To develop formation of the NRL/CRL collaboration network - and improve future collaboration.
- To inform the NRL representatives about the CRL activities.
- To increase the focus on analysis of pesticides residues in feeding stuff.
A number of speakers from the NRLs were contributing to the workshop with presentation concerning extraction efficiency for pesticides, especially with emphasis on addition of water. Besides that extern speakers from The Danish Plant Directorate and the Danish Cooperative Farm Supply contributed with presentations concerning analysis of pesticides residues in feed and information of feed in general.
Published 28-03-2008, 15:01:15
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