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Coupling Ion Chromatography to Q-Orbitrap for the Fast and Robust Analysis of Anionic Pesticides in Fruits and Vegetables

L. Rajski, F.J. Díaz Galiano, V. Cutillas, A.R. Fernández-Alba

University of Almería, Department of Chemistry and Physics, Agrifood Campus of International Excellence (CeiA3), EuropeanUnion Reference Laboratory for Pesticide Residues in Fruits and Vegetables, 04120 Almería, Spain


DOI: https://doi.org/10.5740/jaoacint.17-0410


Ion chromatography coupled to a quadrupole Orbitrap mass analyzer was used to develop a multiresidue method for the determination of highly polar pesticides and their metabolites (chlorate, perchlorate, fosetyl-aluminum, glyphosate, aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA), phosphonic acid, N-acetyl AMPA, and N-acetyl glyphosate) in fruits and vegetables. After extraction with methanol, samples were diluted 5× with water. No derivatization was applied. Pesticides were separated in an anion-exchange column. Water was used as the ion chromatography mobile phase.

A gradient was created by increasing the concentration of KOH in the mobile phase. Ion chromatography provided good and stable retention and separation for all studied compounds. All investigated pesticides had an LOQ of 0.01 mg/kg and a linear range of 0.01–0.50 mg/kg. The ion ratio of the m/z ions produced was stable and adequate (deviation <30%) in all cases. The obtained mass errors (always in full-scan MS and MS2 mode) were <0.2 mDa. The high resolution (>100 000) provided by the Orbitrap analyzer with the low m/z ions obtained (e.g., m/z 80) was effective in obtaining low background matrix signals. The influence of postcolumn infusion of organic solvent on sensitivity was investigated. Acetonitrile was found to be more effective than methanol, increasing the sensitivity 3× with respect to water. The method was validated for five vegetable-based matrixes. Both the sample processing and the analytical measurement were very fast. Hence, the methodology is ideal for high-throughput work..

This journal is © AOAC International


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Published 22-12-2017, 14:20:49


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